Monday, May 18, 2020

Mayo Shrimp At The Walmart Shooting (Essay)

When I first started to write this, it was called “Mayo Shrimp at the School Shooting,” since I knew there had been a shooting – that’s what the topic is, obviously – but my memory had failed me and I’d naturally assumed and falsely remembered it was a school shooting. An understandable enough guess.

Seven of my friends and I – all of us comedians – had just finished up a weekend Saturday game of basketball. I’ll leave it up to your imagination to guess how well that went, but a fun time was had by all, if a comic’s idea of fun is to make fun of their friends. Which it is, so it was.

Being the mind shattering examples of perfect physical specimens we naturally were, we decided to convene for an after game lunch at that pinnacle of health conscious cuisine known to athletes everywhere as the Chinese Buffet.

The Chinese Buffet is a particularly American Masterpiece of theater. It’s three to four long heat lamped tables, with one long sunken rectangle shaped hole filled with water, going down the middle almost the whole length of each, west to east. Placed in 2 by 3 or 4 batches of smaller steel rectangle bins suspended on top of that water within these tables is whatever steam heated semi-sustenance can survive for the longest amount of time – chicken fingers and wings and wontons of some sort with vaguely Chinese names written in English hanging over all of it, low rent old fish, basic Midwestern supplies of roughage vegetables like corn and potatoes, and any other small, easily, and cheaply mass produced starch, cheese, vegetable, protein, or combination thereof. If you find one that offers pizza slices and French fries, that’s how you know you’re at a good one. In front of these long beds of decadence that would make a feasting hall ancient Viking weep with joy, you see every beautiful version of the American humanity that you think is just made up for cartoons.

Hipster 20 to 35 year olds, eating there because they don’t know how to cook, or don't want to cook, or don't have the effort to cook after mutually embarrassing themselves in synchronized basketball goofery, making the most of the Actual Human Interaction they’ve happily fallen into (since being a comedian and spending every night at a different bar doesn’t really count as hanging out with your friends like a real human being). There are day laborers getting as much unstoppable all-you-can-eat last-all-day sustenance as they can on $18.95 and try to make it until they fall asleep that night and make it to tomorrow. A mother and father on their third marriages – their second try with each other – and their 3 to 5 children, from one or some of the other previous couplings, either sprung from a by-the-book matrimony or not, but most likely not. All of them being lit softly by the reflecting light coming from inside the table above the food, bouncing off the surface, coming filtered up through the glass of the sneeze guard, making each customer look like an undershone god who’s either about to tell the food a campfire ghost story, interrogate it, or both at the same time. All of it basked in the wet steam heat.

Asian-American citizens that run the restaurant who, statistically speaking, are quite possibly not Chinese at all, but know that American’s wouldn’t have any appreciation about the subtle differences between the separate cultures and would probably be scared away anyway so they just picked the easiest foreign adjective to paste on this empty building where they’ll be serving cottage cheese right next to the soft serve ice cream. The employees come and go as great muscled but invisible specters, lifting an enormous and full metal bin of wings or fish for the 8 millionth time of their lives into the formerly empty spot, paying no mind to the slippery burning heat on their fingers since the callouses have all grown into some kind of new Uber-skin. You fool yourself into thinking that this “new” bin of food must be “fresher,” so you rush to get the first portions, since that’s how you believe the rules of time work. Not knowing that since things run differently in a Chinese Buffett all the food is always and forever at the exact same temperature – just short of peak “comfort food” warmth yet somehow always still warm enough as to be bland on the tongue – whether it’s just come straight out of the kitchen or has been sitting on the buffet table for several minutes, hours, or perhaps days, who can tell.

There is usually no table service, and since you’ve already paid the full buffet price before you sat down, you can go your entire meal without having to interact with another employee for as long as you live, for all they care. It’s what I think Libertarians imagine the country would be like if their philosophy actually worked: “Here’s your money up front, don’t talk to me ever again about anything." There are no birthday songs brought to customers at the tables, no small talk, nothing besides the sacred quest of paying, taking, and leaving. It’s what Ford could’ve only imagined, only instead of building cars it’s an efficiency of human intake, and only intake, as much as they could want, so that the subjects can return to work, and only work, as much as they can manage, before being rudely forced to eat or sleep again, at the behest of their weak human bodies. Compared to a Chinese buffet, a McDonald’s has atmosphere. I heard if you look for Chinese Buffets, Golden Corrals, or Shoney’s in groups of five on a map they always form a pentagram.

I was so excited. My group of wannabe professional clowns paid for our meals-to-be, all jacked up pretty well on endorphins from more exercise than we were likely to get for the next 6 days and 22 hours. We were all in a good mood. The ironic thing is that we stayed in a good mood even after we had sat down and saw on TV that there had been a gun nut maniac in El Paso, Texas who had shot up a Walmart earlier in the day while we were holding our own dramatic reenactment in Minneapolis earlier that morning of “White Men Can’t Jump.”

It didn’t affect our meal in the least. And that’s not even to say we were the callous ones at the restaurant; we were the only one’s watching the TV. Not that we didn’t care – we felt like the only ones who cared – we were just bored with it, more than anything. Other than the obvious joke that the shooter probably bought that gun at the same Walmart he used it, there was nothing inspiring about it. Shootings had entered into that fetid and dismal hall in the mansion of standup comedy known as the Basement Wing of Hack Premises. Right alongside airline food & the deal thereof, shootings are something so pervasive in America that the vein of creativity has dried up. There’s nothing special about them anymore. You’d sooner find a comic with a hot take on the sun rising before you found someone who thought mass shootings had any surprise left in them. And without a surprise in a joke, it’s not a joke anymore. Now all you’re left with is just someone’s opinion about something. Gross.

Luckily, soon after we sat down, someone came back with their second plate of food and had stumbled upon a magical wet white glob of buffet tadpoles that the sign above the bin claimed was called “Mayo Shrimp,” and it immediately had our full attention. This looked like a horror movie monster had budded asexually with placenta like white paint. I felt I was looking at the pinnacle of culinary “fuck you who cares you’ll eat it” in the history of Chinese Buffets, and that’s saying something. It was a work of multicultural, amoral, post-modern art, like something Andy Warhol dreamt up during a heroin nap. No pretense to Chinese or even Asian cuisine was made or expected. It was the funniest thing we had ever seen.

Immediately, of course, there were challenges thrown around the table about who would eat it. I leapt at the chance – which I assume you had already guessed, since you’re reading this; eating it was my payment that meant I earned the right to make some kind of work of art out of the experience, all my friends having respectfully creatively restrained themselves since that day – and I took a forkful simultaneously with my girlfriend.

It tasted, felt, crunched, squished, and smelled like a fat, half pre-chewed stick of gum covered in sweat, like the boneless finger of a 400 pound dude who’d just been on the treadmill for an hour and a half on January 2nd. It was soggy. It was the pure crunch of wet soggy. It was a sick lump of skin with a tail aglet at the end, like a shoelace has, but crustaceanal, all of it covered in mayonnaise. Mayonnaise that had been sitting out, under heat lamps. I saw god. A vengeful god. It was the most fun I’d ever had in a restaurant that makes you serve yourself.

Lots of other cultures – all of them, I’d venture to guess – have some kind of pride for their food. Local customs and cuisines, ancient recipes handed down from 300 year old matriarchs who know the trick for “good cow tongue.” America does not have these recipes. I would even venture that it doesn't want them. Recipes and traditions are something that can only be Done Correctly. They involve rules. That’s not really our style. We don’t want to get Something Right According to How People Did It Before Us, we are only searching for the other direction. We want to swing for something so unabashedly weird that our ancestors can’t even stay mad at us when they see us eating it, simply because of the fact that what we’re making doesn’t even fit in their culinary morality. It’s literally incomprehensible. Like trying to get a round octopus through a square hole, but with your mouth.

Try a quick thought experiment with me: Where is the best place in the world to get Vietnamese food? The obvious answer being, Vietnam. That’s how accuracy works. The best Russian food will be in Russia, the best Polish food will be in Poland. Columbian, French, Somali, Indian, for the best kind of food from each country, you’d have to go to that country. That’s simple logic. Every country has the first place winner of that country’s food. America does not have its own food. America does not have the first place winner of anything. But what it does have – that no other country has – is the second best of everything. You can’t get better Vietnamese food in America than you would in Vietnam, but you can get better Vietnamese food in America than you would in Italy. You can get better Ukrainian food here than you would in India. You want a quesadilla in Poland? Go fuck yourself. It won’t happen. Or it’ll be such an abomination of mistranslation that it’ll give you nightmares for a decade, like the hotdog I had in Athens, Greece. Don’t ask. Suffice to say it was even worse than Mayo Shrimp. Believe me.

That is our American exceptionalism: everyone from every country that each homeland was stupid enough to let escape into our warm, weird bosom. Their loss. Tough nuts great leader, we got the guy over here who invented Mayo Shrimp. You decided to chase him out and try to kill his whole family because his shirt was the wrong color. Now you get boring food. You can keep it.

There is no crime more cardinal in America than being boring. Nothing worse than expecting things to stay the same. It’s the one thing that is anathema to everything that America stands for. It is the absolute zero on the bill of rights, the unwritten rule. The number before the numbers. It’s not even against the rules to be stupid, as long as you’re not predictable. Then you deserve whatever happens to you. You will be judged and found guilty by your peers, left to rot in a sad gray room with no windows and only your mind – who also happens to be your worst enemy – forever, you sad, mentally dented goofball, for doing the same thing that every other boring dude with a boring gun wants to do – keep things boring. I might be willing to admit that maybe guns don’t kill people, but I know boring people with guns sure do. Those are the two key ingredients.

I am a big fan of this country. Most of it. Almost all of it. All the weird parts, and even most of the stupid ones. That category includes me, since being a comic is definitely a pretty weird, dumb way to try and make a living. No one is safe. Anyone dumb enough to stay, or at least stay living in a major metropolis, farm land, village, township, cult, planned utopia, or live in a treehouse in these 50 states has definitely got something going on upstairs. There are plenty of countries elsewhere, why not try one of those? I’ve even been to a few. I’ve got family there, why don’t I try somewhere else? Somewhere that saying the word “free” in front of normal human economic rights doesn’t start a fight in a bar. Never mind the guns, anywhere that just doesn’t have Walmarts would definitely be a step in the right direction.

I stare at that paragraph, and I know I could never do it. I couldn’t leave. Not now, not for at least another 30 or 40 years. Once I’m old and boring and useless, I’ll kick off to some other country who wants to take care of me. Someplace else where everything makes sense, the day has a natural flow to it, cause and effect have a natural progression to themselves, and if you want to know what happened you can just read the newspaper, because it’ll all come to your door. How nice and quiet, just like our grandparents used to do.

I couldn’t do that right now. Not God’s waiting room, every other developed country in the world. I like it too weird. It’s a brain drug now. Anywhere else would feel like being stuck at a bad county fair for the rest of your life. The only place I happen to arbitrarily draw the line is that no one deserves to die. I don’t think that’s too much to expect. Mass shootings of innocent people are not an American requirement for America to stay America. Mayo Shrimp might be, guns might be, even violence might be. But every other spot with expected demolition – NASCAR pileups, football concussions, airshow combustions, even Walmart Day After Thanksgiving tramplings – can’t be called a random act of god. You knew what you might be in for. You bought your tickets for a front row. Unless you can’t read, or you were kidnapped and brought there, you knew your Vegas odds. But some unkissable sad boy using a gun just to shoot anybody who walked in front of him is an insult to America, gun owners, the founding fathers, and Evil Knievel. Boo. I’d rather drink Nighttime Robitussin and watch a magician perform at an old folk’s home. Back in high school, my friend Clint left a dozen eggs hidden in the shelves of the giant Shopko store near my house. No one found them until they’d gone bad and started to smell, AND he had written a dozen random numbers between 1 and 18 on them, so that even after they found all twelve, they’d always wonder if there were some left behind. Those are mind games I can get behind. That’s my kind of terrorism. Something with a little flourish, some panache. I’m still talking about him now. Does anyone remember even one of these shooter’s names at this point? I don’t. Certainly not this El Paso dink. I remember Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, but that was over 20 years ago at this point. And you always remember your first, unfortunately.

Everything these kinds of people have done since then is a hack premise now. And obviously, everyone hates them when they’re doing it. Out of all the insane ways people hurt themselves for fun, you’d think a would-be killer would have no problem finding victims to play along with his thrill crazy rampage. Just put up a flier a week beforehand and say, “Hey, I’m thinking of turning the VFW into Swiss cheese next Tuesday. Any takers to be my huddled praying masses hiding in the coat closet?” It’s the first sign of failure: no one wants what you’re selling. They’re always running away from you. Mass shootings are like when you go see a play, and at the end the actors come down into the audience to try and get you to sing with them; no one signs up for that bullshit voluntarily. And believe me, people will subject themselves to some weird stuff just to have a story to tell.

That’s what America is; everyone’s one weird story they get to have that they bring home and annoy everyone in their family with, telling them about how it happened, at every social gathering for the rest of their lives. We give that gift. Except someone’s one story is happening somewhere in America every day. Everyone in the world comes to America to get their story, and that can be tough for us to provide. It’s a lot of responsibility, being circus for the world. Being that weird, day in and day out, just so the rest of the world has something interesting to tell strangers back home. Luckily, America is a strong, weird country. It takes in everyone that all the other countries couldn’t handle, that’s our secret. We are stronger for being so weird. It can support all those dreams and weird fetishes and strange odds and close calls. We just have to stop killing all the customers. Otherwise, there’ll be no one left to brag about us.

Millennials Are Not The Disease, The Disease Is The Disease (Essay)

(Originally in response to this article - - which is a response to this petition I made - - asking for free streaming services during the COVID-19 pandemic)

I want to take this opportunity to thank Stephanie Bedard-Chateauneuf for making such a thorough argument with her article “Entitled Millennials Demand Netflix Let You Binge Watch For Free Because Of COVID-19,” published on on Thursday, April 24th. I want to thank her for the attention she's brought to my petition for this important topic that is so close to my heart, and I want to thank CCN for this chance at a rebuttal.

One of the arguments Bedard-Chateauneuf suggests is that since we don’t ask grocery stores to give us food, why would we expect streaming services to let us use their products for free? I have a rebuttal to this, but it’ll require a little imagination. Please indulge me.

Imagine if we actually had the national infrastructure to actually do something as ambitious as delivering free food to citizens during times of crisis. A coordinated, 50 state wide delivery service, bringing meals to the front door of people’s homes every day, people who could not feed or shop for themselves due to being unable to leave the house. What a sight that would be. Brought, perhaps, on the wheels of large vans, carrying multiple meals to several people and houses in one trip. Of course, the logistics for such a Sisyphean task would be astronomical, depending on infrastructure on the scale of which I assume we probably don’t currently have right now. Such is life. What a fool’s dream.

Luckily, for my petition's idea to work, it will require logistics that are millions of times more simple than the previously mentioned and clearly magical scenario. You wouldn’t even have to go to each customer’s home to do it. It's on the internet. All of it is. Which means, if you make the movies free at the source, they will infect that free-ness to every single person's every single app on every single device. I hope I didn’t blow anyone’s mind with that, and to be honest I am not programmer, but I’m fairly certain it would work. Jeff Bezos could “infect” every $4 rental on Amazon Prime with a “Watch Now for Free” button. He could simply push the large black button he has in the briefcase I assume he keeps chained to his arm 24/7, and this solution would happen. A million times on a million movies in a million households that have Amazon Prime.

Hundreds of lives could be saved. Maybe thousands. Maybe more than that, based on how I think viruses spread, but I admit I am also not an etymologist. But I know people need to stay home. This will help them do that. And since (as every article has been so brilliantly telling me since this petition showed up) Netflix’s numbers are so good in this year’s first quarter, we know they can afford to do it. I believe all of these companies can, that’s why I picked them. Except for maybe Vudu, okay. I’ll admit, I was feeling generous and wanted to include them on a list with the big dogs.

Let’s not forget the most important incentive for these companies: This would be millions of people jumping on to these entertainment apps all at once. This would be a temporary Open Pool for everything these people could ever want to see. And then, when it’s over, what are they going to do? Go back to books? Talk to their families? Actually remember to cancel their subscriptions? Who has ever done that on the first month, for anything? After the 60 days is over, the first month back of actual subscription is going to be the biggest spike in profits these companies have ever seen. People are either going to forget to logoff, or they’ll remember and decide they still want to stay any way. Or the companies could temporarily make the first 6 months after my 60 days cost 16.7% more each month in order to make up the difference from beforehand. Or they could decide that everything’s great and they’re going to keep everything at a permanently lower cost than before forever because it always could have worked but no one had tried because everyone was too scared to go first but now everything is super cheap because the streaming service was in our hearts all along – why am I the one coming up with these solutions? I don’t even work for these companies! Are they hiring?

The point is, I don’t really care how it’s solved after the fact. What I do care about is that it’s in our best interests to keep people at home right now. Which means it’s in our best interests to make these entertainment sources cheaper for people living through this economic collapse right now. Our principle is to save lives. Their principle is to make money. A dichotomy which is perfectly fine coexisting. Netflix is a business. Their responsibility is to continue their business. I’ll admit I don’t have an MBA like Bedard-Chateauneuf, but even with my half-baked philosophy degree, I know I can’t appeal to Netflix’s sense of decency and public responsibility in order to get them to do the right thing. That’s not their job. That’s not what they’re there for. And far be it from me to attempt to suggest that Netflix, Amazon, HBO, YouTube, Hulu, and Vudu are faceless inhuman corporations with no principles. They have very clear principles. Their principles are to make money. That’s great. Keep at it, slugger.

I don't think Netflix is stupid. I love Netflix. Netflix is brilliant, that's how they got to be Netflix. Netflix is going to help us to save hundreds, maybe thousands of lives. All of these streaming services can help save lives, right now, instantaneously. And they can make a lot of money doing it. Both are allowed to happen. Everyone can get what they want. It is possible. Two groups, who operate on two separate principles, don’t always necessarily have to conflict. I just know which group and principle I'd rather spend my time on, that's all.

On The Sidewalk (Essay)

The Grim Reaper in an old lady.

That's who we just ran into. We were walking our dog Widget – a mini Dachshund, somewhere between the ages of 9 to 16 (they don't know his age because you tell dogs' ages by their teeth and he doesn't have any), who is totally deaf and mostly blind, missing half of his bottom jaw bone so his tongue always hangs a little bit out his port side, with a large burn-like no-hair bald spot going down the length of his back, himself already a visage of imminent mortality – when we saw an old woman walking on the sidewalk towards us.

"What do we do?" whispered Nakisa. I didn't say anything, but I just curved us over to the right, so we're walking on the grass, assuming of course that the old woman would do the same, for her part. Community Unity. Working together for a common goal of gap building. It's literally a circle of nothingness. Such effortless no-sweat work, I couldn't imagine anyone who could possibly have any trouble with it. You literally have to just keep doing nothing, but only in a slightly leaned away direction. Just slouch back while standing up, and you've got it. You'd think anyone would leap at the chance to be encouraged to be lazy in public. I didn't say anything to remind her, since I always hate to be rude in these kinds of social situations and tell someone to do whatever polite action might be required for any specific scenario at hand. I just naturally assume that the other person will be as sharp and considerate as me, and do for me the same thing that I'm doing for them. Treat me the way I'm treating you.

I am of course usually disappointed. Apparently I'm not smart enough to stop being put in dangerous situations by stupid people. Which means I'm probably not that smart.

"What a cute dog! Can I pet him?" she squawked. Oh god. Are we doing this? Seriously? I'd already picked up my 7 pound dog when we saw you coming, to especially prevent this kind of polite excuse for a human interaction. We know he's cute, thank you. Let's do all three of us a favor and walk away and try to become friends later, 6 weeks from now. I'm willing to pass up serendipity, just for this month.

Then, gripped horribly by my flash-pessimism imagination, I'm haunted by visceral pictures of this woman living alone, no one to talk to, waiting for invisible clouded death to take her sometime in the next fortnight, and the possessed feeling I have that we might be the only social interaction she has all day. I say possessed specifically because that's the only way I can specifically describe it, since I somehow for some reason DID put Widget down and let him sniff over to the woman while she pet him. All the meanwhile I'm being struck by horrendous mental lightning bolt imagery of headlines I've read lately trying to figure out if dogs can carry Coronavirus to other humans, or if it could possibly even directly afflict them as well. Did you just kill my dog you shriveled old hussy?

In the four seconds it took to have all these horrific hallucinations happen internally, externally Widget has already gotten bored with the lady and is walking back to me. She starts telling us a story about something I can't tell what because I'm already walking away and my mind is trying too hard to concentrate on ejecting from the tableau fast enough while still getting the walking balance just right so as not to run away so fast as to insult the poor lady, who – as I suspected – is now wheeling off into a small saga about an old dog she used to have since of course we are going to be her only interaction today and she knows it and by god she's going to get as much blood from this stone as possible.

Nakisa says some pat response back to her and eventually catches up to me. I ask what pointless story that woman felt like risking our lives for. She says she doesn't know, in a strangely hollow voice. I can already see the creeping edges of existential dread coming onto her face and giving it that particular 2020 flavor of Thousand Yard Stare, such a ripe and plentiful crop this season. Is this the banal personal interaction outside my house that leads to my inevitable demise? Homebody equals immortality. What have you done? Just for some sun? Just so you won't have to clean up dog shit off the linoleum? You lunatic.

We're back in the house. The dog shakes off. I remind Nakisa to wash her hands. We're already both in a daze, trying to figure out if we're heroes or suicidal just for talking to an old lady. We won't know for 5 to 14 days. And just because it might be one doesn't mean it can't also be the other. She probably even got home and thought about how rude we were for not having a longer conversation with her. God damn millennials won't even stop to ask how my day is going, she thinks to herself.

But we will walk again tomorrow. We need it. It's good for our mental health.

Dolphins - Jerks of the Sea (Short Fiction Sci-Fi/Humor)

When I was young, I remember a cartoon show based on the film "Free Willy." In this cartoon, human characters had invented a machine to talk to marine mammals – dolphins, whales, seals, things like that.

Having been inspired ever since, as a result, I bring you my newest invention. I call it the Bubble Babbler.

With this amazing invention, I was finally able to talk to dolphins. To finally understand the mystery of nature and begin to discover what miracles could result from being able to speak with such an intelligent non-human species.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have discovered that dolphins are quite possibly the most boring animals in the world.

They just want to talk about ocean currents, how raw fish are so much better than cooked the way people eat them, and how much they wished they had gills. There is even some evidence that dolphins are so boring that whales try to escape their conversations so quickly that they do not notice where they are going and accidentally get stuck on the beach.

As a result of these studies – and the discovery that my life's work is ultimately meaningless – I've decided to stop being a scientist and go live in the mountains, where I hope to never have to see another dolphin as long as I live.

Goodbye forever, losers.

Amazon Generously Grants Employees Three Piss Jars Per Shift (Satire)

Seattle, WA

After several weeks of intense labor negotiations, the employee's union for Amazon workers announced they have won a hard fought battle to grant three piss jars for every employee per shift at Amazon distribution centers nationwide.

"It was a tough fight", says union representative Blake Coulson. "We had a lot of back-and-forth on it. We were forced to give up the right to have bowel movements on the premises, but in the end we decided that you could hold a number 2. But when you've gotta go, you've gotta go. The only other suggestion we came up with were plastic urethral clips, to try and stem the tide for 8 hours. But after a few cases of ruptured bladders that really cut into our productivity – what with cleaning up the inevitable urine mess and removing the dead bodies due to all the internal bleeding – we just decided that the micturition canisters were the way to go."

The development has been met with approval by several Amazon delivery employees, who hope the new waste benefits are a sign of more significant rewards to come.

"I'm happy with the whole thing," says Amazon package specialist Troy Wakeman. "For so long I've been having to go in the bulk stockpile of '50 Shades of Gray' copies we've got kept in the northeast back corner, but the smell was starting to get real bad. My clothes smell like piss all the time. My children won't even hug me when I come home from work anymore. So yeah, this is a good thing, as far as I'm concerned. Hopefully at the next round of negotiations we can win a lunch break with real food. These I.V. fluids they have us hooked up to all day so we don't have to stop to eat are really clumsy."

The move was also heralded by CEO Jeff Bezos as a high-water mark for worker's dignity and staff/management relations.

"With these new worker's contracts, Amazon has proven once again that it's committed to it's motto of 'Work hard, have fun, make history.' Employees are now fully entitled to safely drain the snake on the go during their shifts up to and including three times, with their new portable urinary receptacles. These will allow our employees to get back to work on the job they love so much, with no loss of efficiency in getting their packages to customers on time in the breakneck speed with no regard to human frailty, personal respect, or possibility of mortality that the world has come to expect from us here at Amazon." Later adding, "during this interview I've made enough money to buy new water pipes for Flint, Michigan three times over."

Illuminati Shows Terminally Ill 13 Year Old Fan How Next Election Will Turn Out (Satire)

Shadow Government Headquarters, Atlantis

13 year old conspiracy theorist fan Andrew Blakely, suffering from Stage IV brain cancer, has had his Make-A-Wish granted by the invisible cabal that controls the world to have the next round of political appointments revealed to him before his impending death, says the Associated Press.

"This is a great PR move," says Agent X, an unknowable hidden figure who was quoted in a parking garage sometime after midnight. "Since granting President Trump a secret lifetime appointment has been met with such recent complaining from The Herd, this is the Illuminati's chance to really show the blind sheep of the populace that we've actually been on their side all along, we know what's best for you, and most importantly that we have a heart."

Make-A-Wish representative Glen Franl says that granting this wish had it's own share of logistical and legal challenges to overcome in order to complete this request.

"It was one of the scariest encounters of my life. I was grabbed by strange men who leapt out of a black van on my way to work. They had Andrew as well. They put both our heads in black bags, and we were brought to an abandoned farm. There the revelations were made to Andrew, and I was granted one phone call to my boss at Make-A-Wish, confirming the wish had been fulfilled. I was then knocked unconscious and awoke back at my desk late that same night."

Franl later added, "I fully expect to die under questionable circumstances sometime after this article goes to print."

After it was all over, Blakely says the event is one he'll remember for the rest of his short life.

"Oh dude, it was awesome. First the primaries go bananas when [REDACTED] eats a [REDACTED], and then congress burns to the ground after [REDACTED] calls [REDACTED] a huge, fat, hairy [REDACTED]. By the next election in 2020, the giant cloud of [REDACTED] runs through the whole Midwest, and President [REDACTED] has [REDACTED] live on national television with [REDACTED], and [REDACTED], in a top hat made of human [REDACTED]. Then when [REDACTED] invades, the NRA gets laws passed allowing guns in hospitals for some reason, and everything really goes fucking nuts."

Also mentioned were violent conclusions to the global warming crisis, food shortages, impending race wars, and underground bunkers maintained for the world's oligarchy to survive the oncoming cataclysms.

"I'm so glad I won't have to be around for any of that shit," Blakely added.

Profile - That U of MN Student That Makes Hitler References In Every Philosophy Class (Satire)

Minneapolis, MN

Bendinigo Oselia – "Benny" for short to his friends – is a student of the University of Minnesota. Pursuing a philosophy degree as well as a religious studies double major, he's also captain of the Lacrosse team, and works full time at D.P. Dough eatery near campus. He says he's been a Gopher football fan since before he could walk, and he constantly, continuously, incessantly asks a hypothetical question involving Hitler during every single debate, during every single day, of his first level philosophy intro class this semester.

"I just think it's an important consideration to remember, that every human interaction and rhetorical argument can always be made worse if we just try assuming the worst possible consequences from it. Plus, some of my fellow students are real Nazis about how they always want the conversation to move on. It's like, come on, this dude really existed. We have to consider what he'd do in this situation, or what we'd do with him, or what he would think about the whole thing, right?"

"If I had a time machine I'd probably just use it to go back in time and ask Hitler whether he'd be for or against abortion" added Oselia.

The student's commitment to topical consistency has also drawn the attention of his professor, who offered a glowing review of Oselia's academic bravery.

"I hate that kid" said Dr. Esplania, the professor for Oselia's class. "Every day with this crap. Even when we were going through the syllabus, the very first day, this asshole asked whether the first amendment would allow 'Mein Kampf' to be printed in America. We weren't even discussing anything yet. He just raised his hand. I was way too hung over to deal with that first thing in the morning. Thank god I only have to hear from him in class. I can't imagine what his papers are like. Luckily I force my T.A. to grade everyone's papers."

When reached for comment, the Teacher's Assistant was too high to answer his phone.

Oselia has also garnered a strong reputation with his fellow students who are lucky enough to share a class with the courageous questioner.

"I hope he dies" says Ashley Fitzermann, another student who's also enrolled in Esplania's Modern Ethical History 101 class. "This Benny kid won't stop with the Hitler questions, everyday. I just signed up for this class as a general credit I can coast through, but now I have to hear this turd ask shit like, 'If God made us in his own image does that mean God has a Hitler mustache?' He makes it really hard to concentrate but luckily my Adderall hookup just got out of prison, so that helps me ignore him."

Some claim it's not just a scholarly endeavor, but have seen Oselia pursuing his speculative advocacy in his free time, off school grounds.

"Oh yeah, I know that kid" said Petrovic Malkineen, the manager at the local PetSmart. "He used to come in everyday and yell 'DEBATE ME!' at the parakeets. We had to kick him out. He's the only guy I know with a lifetime ban from every PetSmart in the state."

Even through all that, Oselia is committed to pursuing what he believes is a noble quest for intellectual rigor, despite all evidence to the contrary.

"It's hard work, but I still do it. I think it's important. Do I wish a gypsy hadn't cursed me to wander the Earth living forever, and unlikable mold and scab upon the face of God's creation, constantly asking things like what would Adolf Hitler do if he was stuck on a deserted island? Of course I do. But someone has to do it. I wish I didn't have to. I wish I could stop. I wish I had friends, a girlfriend. Even people I chat with online think I do it too much, can you imagine that?"

"I'm just asking questions," he sobbed.

Many Worlds Theory Of Universe Finally Proves Existence Of Dimension Made Entirely Of Cinnabun Franchises (Satire)

Geneva, Switzerland

An international team of scientist have announced a major breakthrough in the Many Worlds Theory of quantum mechanics. After having discovered a new dimension which every building is a standing Cinnabun franchise, modern science is declared victorious and complete.

"This is a great boon to mankind" quotes suspiciously newly obese physicist Dr. Michio Kaku. "After many decades and even more dreams – since the dawn of man, one might say – we have finally discovered a land made entirely of free delicious baked goods."

"It's like El Dorado, but with frosting", says the scientist.

The discovery has come at the perfect time. The CERN particle accelerator was under threat of losing it's government funding, since it was discovered that, contrary to the hope of engineers, the Higgs-Boson particle was not actually a type of edible sprinkle.

"That was a real kick in the pants" says astrophysicist Neil Degrasse Tyson: "We were hoping to add it to our Mobius-Strip String Theory Infinite Donut, but that fell through, too.

"But now, everyone's got their motivation back. It just goes to show you: if you stick to the scientific method, it will reveal the poetry of the stars and the rhythm of the cosmos. And lead you to magic lands where even the streetlights and stray dogs are made of edible cinnamon flavored strudels and it rains white frosting in lightning stricken monsoons 24 hours a day, everyday.

"I can finally retire from science".

Certain voices of disagreement have appeared however from other corners of the space-science world. Most notable of which is world famous seat-stricken scientist Stephen Hawking.

"This discovery will be the death of us all", claims Mr. Hawking's robotic spokesman.

"Beyond just the possible collapse of the chocolate wave function, there's the further concern of the fact that this may make our species susceptible to other intergalactic civilizations looking to pilfer our new found boon. We may simply have never heard from our planetary neighbors only because we had nothing they wanted."

Luckily, being a nerd who can't even walk right, no one is listening to him.

Many people are wondering what's next for science now that this great peak has been reached. Where will we go? Where will the indefatigable human spirit of look to now for its next discoveries?

"Who cares?" claims Tyson. "There's nothing left I want to do. Personally, I don't expect to live much longer," he said, beginning to feel the effects of his anesthesia for his third liposuction procedure that day.

"What could heaven have that could possibly compare?"

Vikings Trade Stadium To Philadelphia For New Mascot (Satire)

Minneapolis, MN

After searching through the off-season for a suitable mascot replacement, the Minnesota Vikings have settled on the Phillie Phanatic, having only had to yield the athletic rights to their newly-built U.S. Bank Stadium in order to secure the deal.

The Vikings front office expressed optimism for the deal.

"The mascot is a key component to our plans for the Super Bowl", said head coach Mike Zimmer. "It's important to have the Minnesota crowd on our side, because I said I'd bring them a team to be proud of, and I expect to do that. We'll just have to play somewhere else while we're doing it."

When asked if there's any issue with the fact that the Phillie Phanatic is actually a baseball mascot, not a football one, team owner Zygi Wilf said it was a non-issue.

"As I understand the species, I believe it will be able to acclimate to our harsh winters. With a thick orange coat, and its tube-like proboscis no doubt designed for digging deep into harsh climates for sustenance, I have every belief that the Phanatic will be able to provide for the t-shirt cannon and YMCA-dance-conducting needs that these fans deserve." Later adding, "Yes, I am an actual billionaire whose real name is actually Zygi Wilf."

Players also expressed a positive attitude when told of the recent developments.

"I'm excited personally", says wide receiver Stefon Diggs. "I'm excited to see where this team goes, I'm excited for the future, and I'm excited to see how the team meshes together now that we don't actually have a stadium to play or even practice in. But I know I can do my part, and we can all do our part, and be the best team we can be. We can lose wherever you need us to lose. We're professionals."

Gotham Ends Crime With New 'Capital Punishment For Any Villain Batman Brings In' Program (Satire)

Gotham, America

Cheers of victory today as Gotham City enjoys its third month of still-dropping crime rates after instituting its new "Supervillain Execution" policy, based on the standard that any criminal that Batman has to defeat singlehandedly is immediately and without trial executed in the quickest possible fashion.

"Each of these villains has been a constant threat and an existential dread to the very foundation of this great city," says Commissioner Jim Gordon. "Leaving it in within a hair's-breadth of destruction from a giant freeze lazer, a nightmare clown who kills you in your sleep, or another Freudian-related metropolitan wide affliction of some sort. Well we as a people said 'no more', while also adding that 'if we have to get Batman to do it, we'd definitely kill the shit out of you afterwards.'"

Joker, The Penguin, Two-Face, Bane, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, The Riddler, Ra's al Ghul, Scarecrow, Harley Quinn, Killer Croc, Hush, Clayface, Solomon Grundy, Calendar Man, Mad Hatter, Cluemaster, Ventriloquist (just the doll), and the Ten Eyed Man have all fallen under the state sanctioned elimination program.

According to Gordon, it was immediately a unianimous decision. "We first came up with the idea after Two-Face kidnapped all the identical twins in the city and made their parents choose which one was going to live...again. At that point we decided we'd had enough. One person asked if we should put it to a city resolution or something. I said there's no way there's anyone left in the city who isn't bored of the whole goddamn thing by now."

As it looks, the resolution has been welcomed with open arms by all the citizenry of Gotham, who can now walk the city easily without worrying about being turned into marionette puppets, frozen into a giant snowglobe, or eaten by a giant lizard man.

"I think it's a great idea", claims local philanthropist Bruce Wayne. "I think finally this city can heal. Maybe get some therapy and move on with its life."

"I wonder what we'll do with all our free time now", he added.

Man In T-Rex Costume Wins Ms. America Contest (Satire)

Atlantic City, NJ

The Miss America pageant has concluded, and the new Miss America for 2016 is Richard Bremery, who attended and performed the entire competition dressed in a Tyrannasaurous Rex costume.

Bremery, who neither now nor has ever been a woman, was awarded the crown after getting unanimous victory scores in every category, including the gladiator bout.

"This is about inclusion", says Miss America Organization CEO Sam Haskell. "The Miss America pagent is open to all women, aged 18 to 26, provided they're acceptably attractive for television. The contestants represent America, in all its awesome beauty, elegance, and razor sharp teeth."

Mr. Bremery spoke of how winning the competition is the culmination of a dream of several weeks.

"I always thought I could make a difference", he shouted over the sound of the costume's internal fan ventilation system. "Ever since I was fired from Baskin Robbins for that bullshit sexual misconduct lawsuit, I knew I had to do something big and public."

Adding, "It was injustice, I tell you. How could I have slapped that woman's ass? Look at these little arms. I can't even get food to my mouth. I have to scavenge for it."

Television ratings for the aging pageant also provided a wave of relief, as a record number of viewers tuned in to watch the polyester dressed Cretaceous era therapod take on humans of a comparatively more chewable consistency.

"I was worried at one point during the Q&A when the terrible lizard actually bit the head off the master of ceremonies", says Haskell. "But it appeared to only help his score. Apparently no one actually liked Carrot Top. I don't know how he got the job."

With his new found publicity, the Mr. Miss America Bremery is looking towards the future, with upcoming booked national appearances, a campaign for his personal project as a Land Mine Advocate, and making a nest in order to lay his eggs for a mate to fertilize later.

Muslim Air Defends New 'Profile Every Banker' Policy (Satire)

JFK Airport, New York City, New York

Sending shockwaves through Wall Street, the Supreme Court has upheld the first modern case of profiling, supporting Muslim Air in their franchise-wide program of interrogation for every banker who flies its airline.

The move was defended by many in the public sector. Like, everyone who's not a banker, actually.

The policy first started on New Year's Day 2008, shortly after the beginning of the American housing market collapse, which lead to the first international recession of the 21st century, with untold millions of jobs destroyed, houses lost, and lives destroyed and/or lost. Like, everywhere. Across the entire world. Seriously.

"I say they deserve it", says literally anyone who's been paying attention at all over the last 15 years. "We weren't able to get these dudes into prison. The least we can do is make them slightly uncomfortable when they fly. I say more power to Muslim Air. Give those pricks an extra thumb up their ass for me."

The airline has also been able to grab several millions in DVD sales from their recordings of bankers in holding cells, losing their luggage, and being interrogated for their personal business and private habits.

Extremist religious terrorists of all sects around the world also expressed support for the new program.

"You know, we were really blown away by these guys," says [redacted] "Wow. I didn't even notice the pun in that last sentence. Anyway, I mean, we've been using bombs, and shoe bombs, and car bombs, and human bombs...when you look at it like that, it's really pretty boring. 7, 12 people at most. Too much flash. No patience. These dudes ruined the entire world, from the desks in their corner offices. But they did it quietly, one day at a time. And then they just hit the last domino, took more money than the number of people who have ever been born in the history of the world, and ran off to the Bahamas on a fake name. You gotta respect that kind of talent."

Adding: "But yes, please make them suffer everyday. I mean, I had a job and a family before this bullshit dropped. Fuck those dudes."

No bankers were quoted for this story. Who would give a shit what they had to say, anyway.

Quentin Tarantino Now Just Giving Guns To Audience For New Movie (Satire)

Alamo Drafthouse, Austin, TX

In preparation for his latest film, cinematic auteur Quentin Tarantino is now simply arming entire movies audiences in lieu of any actual plot, special effects, or actors.

"I wanted realism, and fuck, we're going to get it", said the 53 year old American director. "Just guns. Everywhere. And no knives, either. You don't get that great splashing blood-squish sound effect with a knife."

Bearing gifts of berrettas, dessert eagles, colt six-shooters, magnums, fucking shotguns, and even tiny secret derringers, Tarantino sits ready to once again re-invent the genre of film, with his verisimilitudinous fantasy, anachronistic soundtrack, non-chronologic editing, re-appropriated cultural references, and total holocaust of a body count that fans have come to expect from the celluloid wunderkid.

"We trust Quentin implicitly", says producer Lawrence Bender. "We've had Quentin's back and given him a home to produce his splendid films which both reinforce clichés while subverting them, ever since Reservoir Dogs, and through all his work which have only increased in maturity – and super-gross physical brutality – up to and including his current project. We have full faith in his ability to keep getting us near-Oscar worthy movies."

Bringing along Samuel L. Jackson because he's, "my good luck charm", Tarantino sits ready to visit each major movie theater and film making class in every major metropolitan area in all the 50 states, on a traveling road tour for the new project called Q'NRA, short for "Quentin's National Rifle Association". Each stop is approximately 6 hours long, with a 15 minute intermission at the halfway point. Staring only the director. You will speak when spoken to.

And at nearly 60, the director shows no sign of slowing down, speaking openly of several new projects coming in the future.

"I'm doing a hentai revenge biopic about Godzilla, for one thing. And I'm also in talks with Ennio Morricone, in my basement, about getting to work on the soundtrack I'll need for my remake of 'The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly'. It's a modern update. The Man with No Name says, 'Nigger' a lot. Like, a bunch. Hopefully I'll be able to get Michael Madsen to play the part."

9 Mass Killers Who Woke Up Like Dis (Satire)

Norwegian Shooter

With a double lucky 77 kills, Norway decided this killer was too sexy to execute, or sexecute, as it's known in the ancient Norse language of the Vikings. Auf wiederFine, amirite?

Batman Shooter

In his prision jumpsuit, he looks just like a sexy Cheeto. James Holmes will no doubt be played by George Clooney, Idris Elba, or a giant walking pile of solid gold in the inevitable "True Events" meta-movie about violence in movies in violence in movies in violence DURING movies no doubt currently in pre-production.

Norse Goddess Dis

The Norse comes in again on our vapid fucking list with The Dis, the singular name for the group of females goddesses the Disir, who were in charge of fertility, had bloody pagan sacrifice rituals held in their name, and probably looking fine as hell while they summonded the spirits of dead women.

Chicago Murder Hotel

Reaching back to olden times, we have the debonair butcher with the killer crash pad, H. H. Holmes, owner of the Chicago Murder castle. Singlehandedly responsible for between 27 to 200 murders, this handlebar moustachioed assassin has a handle on our heart.


From an oldest of times to the freshest of faces, these cuties did a double team on America, and ran an Eiffel Tower on our country's innocence.

Goddess Dis

Known as Dis in Latin, originally Eris in Ancient Greek, this brown haired beauty is the source of all discord, chaos, and argument in the human race. Or maybe she isn't. What's it to you? You're not the boss of me.

John Wayne Gacy

Fuck this. I can't make this funny. I fucking hate clowns.

Jeffrey Dahmer

This delicious killer is a scrumptuous example of Midwestern taste, making a delectable plate or a sexy side dish for our hungry eyes.

He killed people and ate their bodies.

City of Dis

The Kingdom of the Fallen One. The End of All Hope. Furthest from the eye of God. The dwelling of all demons and sinners. The Final Catwalk. Sexiest headquarters of your nightmares, this final resting place of the Progenitor of Lies, it's the perfect place for your Italian getaway into a living analogy for your current times of moral disgust and social entropy, the inevitable conclusion of which none of us will ever escape, as we're all slowly consumed by the triple-headed beast of pure destruction and eternal misery.

The Pathogen (02-12-2011) (Short Fiction Sci-Fi)

A giant spaceship. In space. A huge mangled steel poot. Like a knife block fucking a robot. Zoomed in slowly through the window, we see a group of aliens, walking through a museum of some sort. Tall scaly big-headed beasts. Huge black eyes. Speaking very calmly, in a scientific manner. The speaker is named Rake-Mar.

"Here you see, we have a sample of what's known as 'Love'". On the single stand in the middle of the white room, he points to a clear glass cylinder, full of what seems to be water. Suspended in the very middle of the 5 inch circumferenced and about one foot long tube is a small red dot.

"Near as we can tell" he says, "This is the human's love in its purest form. We gathered it off the floor of a house, at the same time as when we were gathering a human female specimen that seemed to be the greatest cause and source that we had ever found. We gathered her in the tractor beam, and this was one of the particles that was accidentally plucked along with her in the surrounding ground."

"So the specimen didn't actually have the strain in her?" says one of the other aliens.

"No, that's the strangest part. The cause, the patient zero if you will, rarely carries it themselves. This dot itself was part of a stain left when a male member of the human race had been attempting to enter through the roof of the female's living quarters—for nothing more than a glance, apparently, at this female human patient zero—he fell, struck his cranium on the ground, and bled to death. Apparently his very blood itself had been replaced by this substance."

"That doesn't make any sense," said the questioning alien, named Eeef-FLACK! "If the original patient doesn't carry the strain, how does it come to infect surrounding humans?"

"Near as we can tell," said Rake-Mar, "It's somewhat resemblant to cancer. No actual direct cause. No contagious spreadable genetic strain to speak of. More a confluence of forces. An organized yet random set of occurences happen near the subject, which affects them internally, some how, and they are suddenly afflicted."

The aliens nod confusingly, and look around to each other hoping it might start making sense to one of them.

Rake-Mar continues. "What interesting is that we know the humans have spent the most of their resources studying it as well. As we did, in fact, they came to the same conclusion: It's due only to social standing, pure random chance of who one seems to be surrounded with. It follows a perfectly logical plan—they would find someone in their immediate tribe, couple, and thusly live their lives together or not, there would be constant and identical signs that each situation, each coupling, was highly similar to the other—but they would still engage in no protection. No avoidance procedures. And each pairing would inevitably believe theirs to be unique, even though there was several trillions before it, and with full knowledge that there would be several trillions after it. A sort of cancer of a delusion of uniqueness, is the nearest we can explain it. We're currently studying its applications in chemical warfare."

The group stared quietly at the sample. Then, at a sign, Rake-Mar continued walking on to the next room.

Eeef-FLACK! heard mumbling in the next room where the group had gone, but ignored it. He was still in the room, observing the sample. Walking around it. Seeing it from all angles. It was no more than the tip end of a marker. A large rust red period. He picked up the cylinder. The dot didn't move, since the liquid was filled to absolute capacity. He unscrewed the cap, and sniffed the open top. No smell. He reached his long fingers in to scoop the sample out. Holding it in his hand, he thought he saw it tremble. Like it was afraid. Or shiver. In excitement. He wasn't sure. He placed his hand up to his nose for a closer sniff. He still couldn't smell anything. He removed his hand, and it was gone. It had gone up his nose. He knew it.



The screaming was so rusted, the warning system had been so out of use, no one had known it needed any attention. But the screaming in hard geriatric steel made the piercing even more hateful, putting the knife of panic even deeper into Rake-Mar's back when he heard it.




A white greaming light, on straight blasting mad tunnel, like a full armspan swipe sweep out from him front. The back of his head running down and then up as a waterfall backwards out his cerebellum behind him a spreading out to from a last weave beyondwards. His arms were going to rip themselves cauterized and unbleeding from his very shoulders themselves. His legs would most likely do the same unless he rocketed himself through the ceiling at this very moment. His stomach and torso twist and reverberated to a quartered and drawn pulled apart knotted and mashed back again to whence they were but inside out and running flowing.

The words and bloists and everything in him, screaming and bleating, to what the everything, and This is your freedom.


This is your freedom


This is your freedom.

"Eeef-FLACK!, what have you done?!" It was Rake-Mar, looking rightfully so as if he saw a creature in front him ready to tear its ownself to pieces singlehandedly if it could ever remember how to feel and work his fingertips, which all things considered was an apt analysis of the situation. "What have you taken?!"

This is your freedom.

"FHHHFFFFFFMMMMMMMMMAPPPPPPP! YOU! Youdon'tyoudon'tyoudon'tyoudon't KNOW!"


This is your freedom

"I NEED! I need. I need I need I need. I need to GO. I need to go! God damnit it, it's everywhere!"

This is your freedom.


This is your freedom.

Eeef-FLACK! was already on his way to the escape hatches. Screaming and giggling.

"Eeef-FLACK!, where are you going?!"

"I'm going!"



This is your freedom.

"It's everywhere! I need to find it!"


He slammed his shoulder against the pneumatic door. It wouldn't open fast enough for him. Once it did, he dashed to the front of the escape pod and slammed the ignition/takeoff about a half dozen slamming times before the door could even calmly slide itself shut and the pod was off before he even had time to sit down, not that he looked like he was going to be able to do that anytime soon, so he probably didn't mind.

All this was done over the shouts of Rake-Mar, throwing any words to try and stop the maniac, about supplies and cover stories, explanations and reasons to stop. As the take-off was took-off, he watched sadly out the window, as the small white egg grew its distance. He hoped he could still see it as it shrank, but he told himself he was just kidding himself. It was indistinguishable from the stars, now.

The Open Grass (10-12-2010) (Short Fiction Sci-Fi)

Why did I get stuck with this shitty assignment? Everyone else in the Kennedy Assassination Recreation Poetry Session gets something cool, I have to study the grass. It's this stunted little hill, no where near the depository, or the car, or anything. I just get to "watch the blades flow". What bullshit.

I think the teacher just hates me. Once she gave out all our assignments, I even tried to argue with her. I'd take the tires, the ties, the windshield, anything but the fucking grass. But she just shuffled us into the taxis. And that asshole wasn't any better. I knew he wouldn't be, since the district is very strict with the reimbursement they give taxi drivers for field trips – every inch has already been measured, so any change off the direct path gets taken straight out of the taxi driver's pocket. Now I've got an hour camped at a patch of grass until he comes back "watching the leaves" or some shit, and plus there's a gang war or something going on right on the other side of the hill from me, and all the gunshots and screaming and crap are making it really hard to concentrate. All the pops and splats in the dirt around me – I don't know how I can write about something if it won't sit still and everyone won't shut up for ten seconds! I bet everyone else is already done with their verses, and the poem is going to be great and epic, and no one gives a shit that I'm not done, because no one's going to care about how the fucking grass was blowing when the president was shot anyway, and besides our teacher wasn't there so how can she know if we're getting it right anyway, so this is all a fucking waste of time and goddamn it now this guy wants to cut my head off.



Fuck, now he's bled all over me from his fucking shot and I have to change when I get home. And his body's bleeding on the fucking grass! Oh shit! Get off get off getoffgetoffgetoffshithe's heavy!


"What? Why?"

"He might not be dead. Hold on."

There's a guy walking up with a giant sniper rifle. Great, just what I need.

"Are you okay?"


"Are you okay?"

"Why do you care?"

He's looking at me with this shit eating grin, and then he looks away and starts rolling the body around.

"What are you doing?"

"Checking the body."

"For what?"

"Anything he doesn't need right now."

"What are you doing out here?"

"Shooting ugly strangers, and striking up conversations with the cute, cranky ones."

"You shot this guy because he was ugly."

"No, because he was going to hurt you, but you're not the type to believe in good deeds for the sake of good deeds, so I thought you'd buy that."

"And how do you know that?"

Just the same shit eating grin.

"I'm not cranky."

"Hmm. Are you always this suspicious after someone saves your life?"

"Who saved my life?"

"Aww, cute AND oblivious. This is a good day for me."

"I'm not oblivious!"

"But you know you're cute, right?"

Just the same shit eating grin. I think I'm blushing.

"Good. Then not that oblivious. There's hope for you yet."

He's looking at me. I have to say something.

"What were you doing out here?"

"Saving lives."

"Saving lives?"


"With your gun."


"I don't think guns work like that."

"Mine does. Worked for you, didn't it? What are YOU doing out here, withOUT a gun, is a better question."

"I don't want to's dumb."

He's giggling..."I can guess."

"You'd never guess."

"You're down from the UNIVERSEITY, aren't you?"

Holy crap. "How did you know?"

"And I bet you're here for a Poetical Recreation Assignment."

Jesus..."Yeah...the, the Kennedy..."

"...assassination. I know. I took the class...before. You're each assigned at part of the scene, and you're supposed to make 'the whole feeling' again."

"That's right!"

"Yeah. Seem pretty dumb to you?"

"Uh...actually I was just thinking that, before you saved me."

"Yeah, I thought so too."

"Yeah, I'm not really sure what I'm doing out here."

He laughs. Really loudly. I worry for a second that someone else with a gun will spot us, but it doesn't seem to be bugging him, which gets me really mad.

"Stop laughing so much! It's not funny."

"No, I'm sorry, it is."

"Shut up!"

"No! No, no. Hold on."

He's holding my shoulder now.

"Hold on. Lay on the grass for a second. We'll be safer. The hill will cover us, and I'll tell you exactly why you're out here."

"Cause I've got this shitty assignment."

"Shut up. Lay down. I'll tell you a story."

I know I'll see the taxi coming either way, and it would drown out the shots and screams a little, so I guess I could lay down. We're on our sides, but not too close, since he has his rifle in his arms the whole time.

"About a year ago, I was in this class. We were doing the battle of Thermopylae. The 300 Spartans?"


"Well, I had the shields. The solid bronze circles. And I studied them, held one, saw the pictures...I knew everything about them. So when it came time to write my parts of the stanzas...I was stunted. I couldn't say anything. What the fuck do you say about a round chunk of metal, you know?"

He's looking at me. I don't know what to say. His eyes are really intense.

"I thought and thought. I looked at my shield. I hit it. I tried lifting and holding it, like they did. I even bit the damn thing. Nothing was coming. Just thinking stupid enough, I tilted the edge up a little and snuck underneath it, like the shitty little untalented turtle I fucking was. I just fucking moped. My legs were sticking out, but I didn't care. I looked as stupid as I felt".

I'm starting to giggle. I can't stop, maybe he'll be mad I'm laughing at him! And now that's making me laugh even more!

"Oh, so it can laugh. That's good."

"I'm sorry. I just imagined what you looked like."

"Yeah, don't worry. I DID look stupid. But it's important to the story, so I'll let it slide."

That grin.

"So there I was sitting in the dark. And I was thinking. I was on my back, looking up at the backend of the shield, and I closed my eyes. And I saw a whole field of shields. Like a corn field, but shining bronze. And then I saw the Spartans behind the shields. In my head, they were just there. They all looked the same, all dressed the same, all the same faces...and the camera in my head pulled back, and they were everywhere. And I got it. I saw what the shield was About. And the point was, was that the shield was pointless. One shield, like the one I had, any of the shields, they were all useless fucking pieces of metal. It was the wall of them that was the point. That one shield is useless without the shield next to it, and on and on. And the shield is nothing with out the people. And then you see the field, and then the enemy, and then the trees, and the whole thing on and on, and you realize it's the whole fucking scene...a thousand people defending each other, from another thousand people attacking them, and anyone sitting by and just writing about it is a waste of room and just in the way. In the way of something that's Actually Happening right in front of them.

"And the Spartan's were defending each other. They were working for protection, with these shields. And this was thousands of years ago. And here I was, being shown up by a bunch of dead guys. I thought, 'Anything they can do, I can do better', right? Especially since my fucking skin is still holding my organs in, to put it mildly. So I actually dropped out, to give you the shorter version of boring events, got this gun, and I've been doing what I did, ever since."

"So that guy?"

"Was an asshole who's been killing other assholes. I've been watching that show on the other side of the hill for a while. Think of me as a referee who keeps the audience safe from the game. If the players want to bash each other's skulls in all day, that's certainly not my business. You just looked like you were about to be dragged into it in a bad way, so I did something. 'Penalty! Red Flag'.

That shit eating grin again.

"Get it?"

"I guess. The shield made you want to be a hero?"

"The shield made me want to be not-boring. Being a hero is largely a matter of which side of said hero's heroicalism you're on. You can ask these guys how much they enjoy my company. Shit, the high-blood pressure I give them is just about the only thing they can agree on. It's just fun enough for me, right now.

"Speaking of which, I'm going to get going. Nice talking to you..."

Oh. My name. He wants my name.


"Alexa. Nice. 'One without law'".


"Your name. In Latin, it means, 'One without law'. As in, 'One who the rules doesn't apply to.'"

I think I'm blushing again. That shit eating grin.

"You should try it sometime. It's fun."

He hides behind the hill for a second, and checks for a clearing. He's running off to some trees.


He turns around, yells "Whoo Hoo!" at me, grins again while sticking his tongue out at me, and then turns and keeps running.