Monday, February 21, 2022

I remembered where I put this (04-20-2007)

 Never doubt for a second that we rule this planet. I was naked, and the full moon washed away my shame in a river of cool air that was like melted ice cubes. Atop a mound that made me the highest in the world because I was the only one trying, I communed with dog-like faith in my power to crouch and be hidden, to stare and have clear vision, to hear and fully comprehend, and not believe for a minute that I was missing anything. I perceived everything. There was no secrets, I could not speak, I spoke no lies. The night sang like cold white vanilla, and my pores hummed the back-up harmonies.

I knew the land was flat, because I could see to the edge of it. The end of the world. And it looked like the cover of a book across the desk from me, and all I had to do was reach forward to pull it back, and reveal the depth of the material, drank deeply through my eyes, into the creases and folds, to settle into my brain.

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