Monday, February 21, 2022

Compassion is an unpatriotic turpitude. Acceptance is a weakness. - Quick Thoughts on the 11-22-11 GOP Debate (11-25-2011)

 The one and only concern of the republican party is exclusion.

I wanted to make sure I stood that sentence on its own, since it's the only part of this whole self-mutilating exorcism that is the actual point. They are singularly and only concerned with making sure that the right people are let in to the American dream. If you've been here for 25 years and work the soup kitchen on Wednesday's and haven't had a smirch on your legal record higher than farting in public and forgetting to ask White Jesus for forgiveness, Newt Gingrich might let you stay. Everyone else on that stage wanted nothing more than to hunt your brown ass down and bound, gag, and kidnap you in front of your screaming children, and we'll be coming for them too once we get around to outlawing anchor babies next.

This is my third presidential election I've been old enough to vote in, and the closest I've ever kept tabs on. Luckily for America & Freedom, cubicle work makes it easy to web-read news around the world and watch as grown creatures who claim the title of "Human Being" in public argue with each other on national television over who goes further treating everyone who isn't in their racial, religious, or preferred sexual tribe like a chunk of human excrement. The republicans do not want you in their Amurika, in case you were wondering. What about that one thing you like doing? Nope, that's out too.

I want to direct a question to any older folks that might be glancing their eyes on this little written ditty right now: Has it always been this bad? Has the republican party always been violent, short-sighted racists who hawk ghost-written books around the nation while bragging about their refusal to learn how to read a globe? It seems like they're more interested in who's going to get to be in America than about how it's actually going to work once "the right people" are in it.

Ironically enough, they do raise a fuss when businesses are being excluded. The only thing they've ever actually complained about is when Businesses get left out of the game. I counted no less than 4 commercials – 4 different energy corporations – complaining about not being able to wipe their dollar-bill green and oil-stained black cock on the 48 contiguous states with energy plans that would barely put us three steps ahead of 17th century coal fireplaces. "Excuse me Keystone XL, the EPA has some questions about your nation-spanning oil-pipeline, specifically the line item mentioning that only foremen who can masturbate to the scene of Bambi's mother getting shot are allowed to work on the pipeline? Also a strange memo we tracked down outlining a plan to, quote, 'Maximize raperizing of the naturelands'". "But it's for jobs! Don't you like jobs, forest fairy fag?" As long as there's a paycheck every other week until the end of the world, nobody seems to mind that they're playing their part to help lean on the gas and get us over the cliff and spiraling off into the abyss just that much faster.

As far as the republicans are concerned, every human is suspect and guilty until proven goose-stepped in line with policy and white-straight innocent enough to hang out at the golf course. But if a Business is so violently carnivorous as to do unimaginable harm to the environment, so nefariously tentacled as to get a billion dollar bonus of tax-payer's money as a reward for paying $0 in taxes that year – "you win the lazy asshole conglomerate award! Here's some free money we stole from homeless people we're keeping stupid and underfed!" – so unforgivably hateful to you and everything you stand for that they will pay off congress in order to be able to shove cafeteria pizza down your children's throats and call it a vegetable while taking a steaming turd dump a' la mode on the slice just for good measure...if a company does all these things, as long as Amurikans are getting paid to do it, the republicans are good with it. Raising your hand and asking them to please stop marks you as a terrorist, and probably gay.

I was going to try reaching for some kind of Kennedy metaphor - 48 years today. C.S. Lewis & Aldous Huxley, too (says the book nerd) - but it'd be disingenuous: I wasn't there. I don't know the burn well enough to pull that one off. And I don't honestly feel like my country is dying. The republicans & democrats are not my Hope for Change. Fuck 'em. Every one of 'em. I still have unbearable optimism for the country. I don't want you to think I don't. The goddamn TV Box and the movin' pictures, mixing with the beer, just sat ill with me. And I remembered that there are strangers around the planet getting maced, peppered, killed and beaten, put in comas and given brain damage, lives destroyed for the right to imagine that maybe we deserve fucking better than we're getting. The first step to getting served worse than you deserve is thinking that you deserve what you're getting. If I just sit at home and get drunk and angry, and don't do anything about it...I can barely imagine looking one of these protestors in the eye as it is. Human dignity demands I do something, god damn it. And no matter how small it is, how much you might underestimate it and think it doesn't do any good, a million small, single people working in tandem are no longer just a million small, single people. They become something else.

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